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5950 Silverton Pewter
Price Unavailable
3051 Jesse Cocoa
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4176 Melon Sapphire
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Progressive for Merchants

To begin your submission to offer Progressive Leasing to your customers, please complete and submit the following:

  1. Copy of Resale Permit - (View Sample - Click Here)
  2. Voided Check (a picture will be accepted)
  3. Minimum of 2 pictures of the inside of your retail store (from different angles)
  4. Two pictures of the outside of your retail furniture store. One that includes the store name and another from afar
  5. Completed and Signed W-9 Form - Click Here
  6. Retail Agreement - Complete Online - Click Here , save then e-mail to support@pfcind.com

Upon Completion, please e-mail the above to support@pfcind.com and PLEASE REFERENCE YOUR STORE NAME in the subject of the e-mail.