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79C T/F w/ Casters

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Este producto fue introducido en nuestro catálogo el jueves 17 junio, 2021.

    Modelo: 79C-55003
    Fabricado por: W Silver Products

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Product Line Features:

High carbon rail steel side rails
High carbon rail steel cross arms
Keyslot Cross arms assure easy assembly and secure support
Heavy duty locking legs
Rug Rollers, Casters, or Glides
Oversized headboard brackets
Protective end caps

Our WSP Standard Bed Frames are made of high carbon remanufactured rail steel to provide extra strength and stability.  This frame has 1.5″ side rails and 1.25″cross arms.   Some models are provided with a 2″ center support with 2 glides that provide extra support to ensure a long life of your mattress and box spring.  This Standard Bed Frame utilizes a spring clip to assure an easy and quick assembly while providing secure support. This frame has heavy duty locking legs.  The oversize headboard brackets enable this frame to fit almost any headboard while the end caps provide protection for the bedding.

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Este producto fue introducido en nuestro catálogo el jueves 17 junio, 2021.